a arte do toque em presença

O que é?

O Thai-massage é baseado numa antiga tradição espiritual que combina meditação, yoga e a prática do Metta (bondade amorosa). Uma das características desta arte é o uso não só de pressão, mas também de técnicas de alongamento e movimento ativo para aliviar a tensão, promover o relaxamento, melhorar a flexibilidade e a circulação.

Tendo como base a minha formação em Medicina, desde 2017 utilizo a massagem tailandesa como ferramenta para explorar a componente da cura e do toque quer em sessões individuais ou de grupo (workshops e curso introdutivos).

Através desta prática conecto-me com uma parte mais profunda de mim mesma: vejo na massagem tailandesa uma prática meditativa e de cura para mim e para os outros, complementar e paralela à medicina tradicional. Acredito que a viagem da cura começa duma conexão profunda com o nosso centro: esta conexão pode ser encorajada com uma simples intenção e com o poder do toque.

massagem individual

Vem experimentar em primeira pessoa os beneficios desta antiga arte:
60 minutos de massagem na comodidade da tua casa.

Massagem Individual

  • Massagem a domicilio
  • Agendamento flexivel
  • Duração 60 min

Pack 3 Massagens

45 Cada
  • Desconto de 25%
  • 2 meses para usufruir
  • Cuida do teu corpo regularmente

Area de atuação: Lisboa Metropolitana
(para outras zonas aplica-se um custo extra para as despesas de deslocação)


Sabias que o Thai-Massage é relaxante tanto para quem dá como para quem recebe?

Um workshop de 2h30, hands-on, para estar em presença
e aprender uma nova forma de utilizar o toque.

Queres ser avisado sobre as datas dos próximos worskshop? 
Inscreve-te á newsletter e fica atualizado sobre as novidades.


Curso de introdução

Ganha as ferramentas para dar os primeiros passos no universo do thai-massage

Próxima data

Janeiro a Março 2024 (3 meses)
Quinta das Patas – Colares, Sintra
Periodicidade: 4 modulos individuais
Horário: 19:00 ás 21:30

Vagas limitadas a 10 participantes

Entra em contacto comigo

Lenaai ole Mowuo is a Loita Maasai from Kenya, and belongs to the Ilmeshuki age-group and the Ilaiser clan. He keeps cattle, sheep, goats and bees; grows beans, maize and potatoes; and is also a boda-boda (motorbike taxi) rider. Lenaai has worked as a research assistant and a co-researcher in several research projects since 2007, and features in the film All Eyez on Me! (2021). In the MYNA project, he contributes to the Loita case-study that explores the links between land demarcation, the spread of new churches and cultural change.  

Stanley ole Neboo, 36 years old, married with two children, is a livestock keeper in the Maasai Mara, Narok County, Kenya. Stanley studied business management, tourism, and conservation. He currently works as a freelance safari guide and is the Chairman of the Talek River User Association (Talek WRUA). He is one of the filmmakers in the award-winning participatory documentary “Maasai Voices on Climate Change (and other changes, too  (2013; Jean Rouch Award for Collaborative Filmmaking). He contributes to the Maasai Mara case study with research on the role and position of Evangelical churches vis-à-vis rapid changes occurring on the land (fencing, climatic instability, land selling, conservation) and in family life.

Lhagvademchig Jadamba


Batbuyan Batjav is a social-economic geographer who has worked on nomadic pastoral issues in Mongolia for two decades. A former Director of the Mongolian Institute of Geography, he has been a Visiting Scholar at the University of Oxford, Colorado State University, University of Arizona and Cambridge University. He is dedicated to strengthening pastoralism as a viable contemporary livelihood.

Megan Wainwright has a BA in Anthropology and MSc and PhD in Medical Anthropology. She has worked as an independent research consultant since 2018 and lives in rural Portugal. She is passionate about research methods and the contribution anthropological and qualitative research approaches can make beyond disciplinary boundaries. Her primary role in MYNA is to develop methodologies for multi-sited research and cross-cultural analysis. She also brings to the team expertise in qualitative evidence synthesis and writing-up qualitative research for diverse audiences.

Zaira Tas graduated from her BA Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Challenges in 2022 and has focused her studies on environmental sustainability and development. She has a particular interest in how the environment and human society interact and affect one another. She joined the MYNA team as a consultant, working on a systematic literature review examining the relationship between religious changes and environmental changes in dryland areas. She also accompanied team members on a recent field trip to Kenya, where she assisted with project management and interviews.

Angela Kronenburg García is an anthropologist, whose work has focused on resource access and land-use change in African drylands. She contributes to the MYNA project with case-studies in Mozambique and Kenya. In northern Mozambique, she explores how the expansion of Christian commercial farming is changing land use in a region that is partly Muslim and where the local population largely depends on small-scale (subsistent) farming for a living. In Kenya, she studies how the re-start of individual land demarcation, the proliferation of Evangelical churches and changes in Maasai culture connect in Loita.

Troy Sternberg Extensive travel led to Troy’s interest in desert regions, environments and people. Research focuses on extreme climate hazards (drought, dzud), environments (water, steppe vegetation, desertification) and social dynamics (pastoralists, social-environmental interaction, religion and environmental change, mining and communities).

Joana Roque de Pinho is an ecologist and environmental anthropologist whose research focuses on changing West and East African sub-humid and dryland social-ecological systems; and how members of rural natural-resource reliant communities experience and understand environmental changes. She is most passionate about collaborating directly with rural community members as collaborative researchers/visual ethnographers through participatory visual research methodologies. For the MYNA project, she explores the intersection of religious transformations with livelihoods, land tenure/use changes and climatic instability. She contributes a multi-sited Kenyan case-study that explores the neglected role of religion Christianity in Maasailand’s social-ecological dynamics, and participates in the Mongolia and Mozambique case studies.